Testimonial Tuesday- Anna McGowan of Ice Core Fitness

Anna McGowan of Ice Core Fitness

Anna Before After graphic.001Anna’s Story…
“It was such a great feeling to be announced as the winner of the Transformation Challenge at Ice Core Fitness. Although I am happy about the numbers, I am happier to have found a place like Ice Core Fitness and the BarreAmped Method. The instructors and other members have been so encouraging and supportive, and I can always count on Elisabeth Alexander to have something encouraging to say whenever I walk through the door.  It has turned into a place that I always feel welcome and comfortable even to the point where Kristina Carlson, the owner, invited me to spend Thanksgiving with her family when she learned that I was unable to go home for the holiday. All of this combined with the BarreAmped method has changed my view of working out. For the first time in my life, I enjoy going to work out.

During my first year of law school, I had the mentality that I was too busy to work out, or I thought I was too tired when I did have the time. Now, I make the time to work out and use it as a study break.  Besides feeling better about myself, I feel better mentally and physically which has led me to lifestyle change.  I always thought cooking was too much of an effort and would just eat out or microwave something frozen.  My personal challenge was to make it 90 days without eating out or any fast food whatsoever. I ended up going 99 days without eating out or eating fast food. Besides making healthier eating choices, it showed me that preparing and cooking a healthy meal is not the huge effort that I thought it was. I have even come home after a BarreAmped Extreme Cardio class and cooked a healthy meal because I no longer look at cooking as a hassle! All it requires is a little planning, and keeping a freezer stocked full of fresh free range chicken breasts!
Being predisposed to Type 2 Diabetes by having PCOS, this challenge has done more for my health than just being able to fit into jeans three sizes smaller than before.  Although the Transformation Challenge is over, I do not plan on changing anything.  I have tried practically every diet out there, and they did not work for me.  By completely changing the way I look at exercise and food, I now see that his complete and total lifestyle change is something that is sustainable unlike short term diets.  I even plan on training for a half marathon next year! There are always good days and bad days, but I just like to remember how far I’ve come in just three months. Oh, and that I can do full planks now instead of doing them on my knees!”

Anna’s Physical Changes…
Initial Measurements: 192.8 pounds / Upper Arm (R) 14.5 inches / Upper Arm (L) 14.3 inches / Abs 35 inches / Waist 40.8 inches / Hips 44 inches / Right Thigh 24 inches / Pushups 11
Final Measurements: 167.4 pounds / Upper Arm (R) 13.8 inches / Upper Arm (L) 13.7 inches / Abs 35.8 / Waist 31.5 / Hips 41.9 / Right Thigh 23.4 inches / Pushups 40

Anna McGowan_BarreAmped_Before_&_After_2

BarreAmped is so proud of you Anna!

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