Playlist of the Month: Kim Guenther of Dragonfly Hot Yoga

Kim Guenther is part of our BarreAmped Teacher Trainer team and the Director of BarreAmped programming at her home studio — Dragonfly Hot Yoga in Madison, WI. She is also a group fitness instructor and 200 CYT/RYT Yoga Instructor.
“I have been a regular practitioner of BarreAmped since it came to the studio 6 years ago. I am a very technical person, and this method had me hooked from the first class. I love that it is so form focused and precise. After practicing for a year I loved it so much I decided to become an instructor. I’ve been blessed to help grow and develop the classes we offer and the instructors we have on staff at our four locations in the Madison area. I am even more blessed to now be a part of the BarreAmped team, sharing my knowledge of the method with people as they start and continue their journeys as barre instructors.”
“I really enjoy making playlists for all of the types of classes I teach. Music motivates me to work hard and when I can get into a song I feel unstoppable! I love developing playlists that help motivate our clients as well. It’s really fun to time certain songs to portions of the class, my goal is to have an arc to a playlist that follows the arc of the class.”
Her favorite BarreAmped class format? BarreAmped FIRE! So this month’s playlist is tailored to the energy and heat found in a BarreAmped FIRE class.
BarreAmped FIRE is our high-energy barre format that will challenge you in new and exciting ways. Instructors who certify with us are thoroughly trained to be able to offer advanced and mixed-level exercises that will keep you safe while revving up your heart rate and turning up the heat!
Follow the playlist on the Spotify app, or stream below!